Interpretation of quantitative trait locus (QTL) studies of agronomic traits is limited by lack of knowledge of biochemical pathways leading to trait expression. To more fully elucidate the biological significance of detected QTL, we chose a trait that is the product of a well-characterized pathway, namely the concentration of maysin, a C-glycosyl flavone, in silks of maize, Zea mays L. Maysin is a host-plant resistance factor against the corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie). We determined silk maysin concentrations and restriction fragment length polymorphism genotypes at flavonoid pathway loci or linked markers for 285 F2 plants derived from the cross of lines GT114 and GT119.Single-factor analysis of variance indicated that the p1 region on chromosome 1 accounted for 58.0%o of the phenotypic variance and showed additive gene action. The pi locus is a transcription activator for portions of the flavonoid pathway. A second QTL, represented by marker umclO5a near the brown pericarpi locus on chromosome 9, accounted for 10.8% of the variance. Gene action of this region was dominant for low maysin, but was only expressed in the presence of a functional pi allele. The model explaining the greatest proportion of phenotypic variance (75.9%) included pi, umclOSa, umcl66b (chromosome 1), ri (chromosome 10), and two epistatic interaction terms, pi x umclO5a and pi x ri. Our results provide evidence that regulatory loci have a central role and that there is a complex interplay among different branches of the flavonoid pathway in the expression of this trait.Development of molecular-marker linkage maps in many species facilitates the identification of chromosome regions associated with variation in quantitative traits (1). By dissecting the continuous phenotypic variation typical of many traits into contributions from discrete genetic factors, quantitative trait locus (QTL) studies provide insights into trait inheritance and genome organization, and often are sufficient to initiate marker-assisted selection. However, the biological interpretation of QTL data is generally limited by lack of knowledge of the genetics, biochemistry, and physiology underlying trait expression. To advance the level of QTL interpretation, we analyzed variation in an economically important trait that is determined by a well-characterized genetic and biochemical pathway.The corn earworm (CEW) is a major silk-and kernelfeeding insect pest of maize in the United States and parts of Latin America (2, 3). Host-plant resistance to CEW results from both antibiosis due to chemical factors in silks (stylar/ stigmatic tissue), and morphological features such as tight covering of the ear by husk leaves (4). Understanding of the nature of antibiosis to CEW was advanced when maysin (Fig. 1), a C-glycosyl flavone that inhibits CEW larval growth, was isolated from silks of the Mexican maize landrace "Zapalote Chico" (5). Later, Wiseman et al. (6) found a highly significant relationship between increased silk maysin concentration and reduced earworm ...