Several polymorphic DNA restriction endonuclease fragments hybridizing with xenotropic and ecotropic envelope virus probes map adjacent to minor histocompatibility and lymphocyte (H/Ly) antigen-encoding loci. Viral DNA restriction fragments are associated with Ly-17 on chromosome 1, H-30, H-3, and H-13 on chromosome 2, Ly-21 on chromosome 7, H-28 on chromosome 3, and H-38 (chromosomal location as yet undetermined). In each case no recombinant can be found between the H/Ly locus in question and the virus-related restriction fragment, suggesting that linkage is very tight. Although some viral loci map to locations where no H/Ly has yet been mapped, the frequency and tightness of linkage in the seven instances described, coupled with the large number of as yet unmapped H/Ly loci, suggests that the associations found are significant.