16Understanding the mechanisms underlying biological extinctions is a critical challenge for 17 conservation biologists. Both deterministic (e.g. habitat loss, fragmentation) and stochastic (i.e. 18 demographic stochasticity, Allee effect) demographic processes are involved in population decline.
19Simultaneously, a decrease of population size has far-reaching consequences for genetics of 20 populations by increasing the risk of inbreeding and the effects of genetic drift, which together 21inevitably results in a loss of genetic diversity and a reduced effective population size ( ). These 22 genetic factors may retroactively affect vital rates (a phenomenon coined 'inbreeding depression'), 23and therefore reduce population growth and accelerate the extinction process of small populations. 24To date, few studies have simultaneously examined the demographic and genetic mechanisms 25driving the extinction of wild populations, and have most of the time neglected the spatial structure 26 of populations. In this study, we examined demographic and genetic factors involved in the 27 extinction process of a spatially structured population of a lekking bird, the western capercaillie 28 (Tetrao urogallus). To address this issue, we collected capture-recapture and genetic data over a 6-29 years period in Vosges mountains, France. Our study showed that the population of T. urogallus 30 experienced a severe decline between 2010 and 2015. We did not detect any Allee effect on survival 31and recruitment. By contrast, individuals of both sexes dispersed to avoid small leks, suggesting a 32 behavioral response to a mate finding Allee effect. In parallel to this demographic decline, the 33 population showed a low genetic diversity and high inbreeding. In addition, the effective population 34 sizes at both lek and population levels was low. Despite this, we did not detected evidence of 35inbreeding depression: neither survival nor recruitment were affected by individual inbreeding 36 level. Our study underlines the benefit from combining demographic and genetic approaches to 37 investigate processes that are involved in biological extinctions.