DOI: 10.1094/phyto-03-21-0114-r
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Genetic Dissection of T-DNA Insertional Mutants Reveals Uncoupling of Dikaryotic Filamentation and Virulence in Sugarcane Smut Fungus

Abstract: The biotrophic basidiomycetous fungus Sporisorium scitamineum causing smut disease in sugarcane is characterized by a life-cycle composed of a yeast-like nonpathogenic haploid basidiosporial stage outside the plant and filamentous pathogenic dikaryotic hyphae within the plant. Under field conditions, dikaryotic hyphae are formed after mating of two opposite mating-type strains. However, the mechanisms underlying genetic regulation of filamentation and its association with pathogenicity and development of telio… Show more

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Cited by 7 publications
(14 citation statements)
References 23 publications
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“…To determine whether Ssubc2 is required for the development of smut disease in sugarcane, we conducted virulence assays using tissue culture seedlings derived from the smut-susceptible sugarcane variety ROC22 ( Lu et al, 2021 ). An average of 85.7% of whip development was recorded for the wild-type strain JG35 × JG36 within 90 days of inoculation, whereas only 7.1–8.7% of whip-producing seedlings were observed for Δ35- ubc2 × JG36 and JG35 × Δ36- ubc2 in the same period of time, and no whips were observed for Δ35- ubc2 × Δ36- ubc2 up to 120 days after inoculation ( Figure 4A ).…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…To determine whether Ssubc2 is required for the development of smut disease in sugarcane, we conducted virulence assays using tissue culture seedlings derived from the smut-susceptible sugarcane variety ROC22 ( Lu et al, 2021 ). An average of 85.7% of whip development was recorded for the wild-type strain JG35 × JG36 within 90 days of inoculation, whereas only 7.1–8.7% of whip-producing seedlings were observed for Δ35- ubc2 × JG36 and JG35 × Δ36- ubc2 in the same period of time, and no whips were observed for Δ35- ubc2 × Δ36- ubc2 up to 120 days after inoculation ( Figure 4A ).…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In the field, the sugarcane cultivar, Zhongzhe 1 (ZZ1), is smut-resistant, while the cultivar, ROC22, is smut-susceptible [ 14 ]. However, both varieties are readily infected with S. scitamineum through artificial inoculation using the root-dip method of tissue culture-derived plantlets, suggesting that physical barriers provide the major mechanism of resistance in ZZ1 [ 15 ]. The cultivars were grown in the field to provide matured stalks with at least 20 nodes.…”
Section: Methodsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The pathogenicity assay was performed using the soaking inoculation method as previously described [30]. In brief, roots and bottom parts of the sugarcane tissue culturederived plantlets were soaked into a S. scitamineum basidiospore cell suspension (1 × 10 6 cells mL −1 ) and incubated at 28 • C for three days.…”
Section: Pathogenicity Assaymentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Teliospores in the whips of infected sugarcane plants were collected and resuspended in liquid YEPS medium for 8 h. The teliospore suspension was diluted and plated on solid YEPS medium at 28 • C for three days for single haploid colony isolation. The basidiospore mating types were identified by PCR with the primer pairs pra1F/pra1R and pra2F/pra2R specific for Mat-1 and Mat-2, respectively, as previously described [30].…”
Section: Teliospore Isolationmentioning
confidence: 99%
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