ERCC4 was previously identied in somatic cell hybrids as a human gene that corets the nucleotideexcision-repair deficiency in mutant hamster cells. The cloning strategy for ERCC4 involved transfection of the repairdeficient hamstr cell line UV41 with a human sCos-1 cosmid library derived from chromosome 16. Enhanced UV resistance was seen with one cosmid-library transformant and two secondary transformants of UV41. Cosmid clones carrying a fimetional ERCC4 gene were isolated from a library of a secondary transformant by sing in Escherichia cofl for expression of a linked neomycin-resistance gene that was present in the sCos-1 vector. The cosmids mapped to 16pl3.13-p13.2, the location to ERCC4 by using somatic cell hybrids. Upon trnfection into UV41, six cosmid clones gave partial correction ranging from 30% to 64%, although all appeared to contain the complete gene. The capacity for in vitro excision ofthymie dimers ftom a plasid by tornt cell extacts correlated qualitatively with enhanced UV resistance.Nucleotide-excision repair is a major pathway that removes UV-radiation photoproducts, bulky monoadducts, crosslinks, and oxidative damage from DNA by incising the damaged strand on both sides of the lesion (1-3). Seven human genes in this pathway have been identified and cloned by using mutants developed in rodent cells or derived from humans having the disorder xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) (4). Studies ofhamster and mouse mutant lines first identified five genetic complementation groups (5, 6) having extreme UV-radiation sensitivity and excision-repair deficiency. From these groups of mutants, the complementing human genes ERCCI (7), XPD/ERCC2 (8), XPB/ERCC3 (9), and XPG/ERCCS (10) were cloned and shown to substantially overlap (9, 11-13) with the seven excision-deficient groups of XP (14). The mutants in rodent complementation groups 6-11 have lesser degrees of UV sensitivity than groups 1-5 (15-17), and of the former set, only the gene correcting group 6, CSB/ERCC6, has been isolated (18). By complementing XP cells, the XPA (19) and XPC (20) genes were isolated-genes so far not represented among the rodent groups.Nucleotide-excision-repair complementation group 4 is represented by mutants UV41 (5) and UV47 (21), both of which are highly UV-sensitive (n6-fold) and extremely sensitive to mitomycin C ("'100-fold) and other DNA crosslinking agents (21). These mutants and those in group 1, such as UV20 (5) (8). Colony-forming ability of transformants was determined after exposure to UV-radiation as reported (5). Triplicate 10-cm dishes were used for each dose point.Cosmid and Genomic DNA Transfections. A chromosome 16 cosmid library in the vector sCos-1 (24) was kindly provided by Larry Deaven (Los Alamos National Laboratory). Cosmid DNA was introduced into UV41 cells by electroporation ofthree aliquots of5 x 106 cells; each aliquot was mixed with 5 pg of DNA in a 1-ml cuvette of a GIBCO/BRL Cell Porator (300 V, 1600 tF). Cells were plated at 5 x 10W cells per 10-cm dish and allowed 48 h for expression. Mito...