The present work aimed to study the phenotypic and pathogenic diversity of 40 Colletotrichum isolates obtained from mango trees in the Northeast of Brazil and to identify different species of this pathogen, incitant of anthracnose, through the analysis of the ITS sequence of the ribosomal DNA. As for the morphologic and cultural characterization, the colonies of the isolates presented diversity in relation to color and aspec t, being more common the color wh i t e -a s h , c h a ra c t e r i s t i c of C . g l o e o s p o r i o i d e s . E x p re s s i v e variations were not observed in the morphology of the 40 isolates. The conidia were predominantly hyaline and unicellular varying in shape from rod to cylindrical. All isolates produced appressoria of di fferen t s ha pes a nd i n di fferent a mou nt s, a nd 1 0 i sola tes showed setae. In relation to mycelial growth and growth rate the i solat es were cla ss i fi ed i n s even grou p s. gloeosporioides species. The isolates were pathogenic to detached leaves of mango, inducing anthracnose symptoms such as dark l e s i o n s s li g h t l y d e p r e s s e d , a n d p r e s e n t i n g v a ri a t i o n s o f aggressiveness. In the specific identification based on the analysis of the ITS sequence of the ribosomal DNA, 36 isolates amplified with the primer CgInt, specific for C. gloeosporioides and with the primer ITS4. Isolates CM1, CM4, CM5 and CM10 did not amplify product s for non e of the spec ific prim ers, bei ng id enti fied as Colletotrichum spp. The results of this work demonstrate that Colletotrichum isolates obtained from mango trees present large morphophysiologic and pathogenic variability, and also that, possibly exi sts more tha n on e sp ecies of Co llet otr ichu m t hat caus es anthracnose in mango trees in the Northeast of Brazil.exibiram taxa de crescimento >10mm/dia, considerada típica da espécie C. gloeosporioides. Os isolados foram patogênicos em folhas destacadas de mangueira, induzindo sintomas de antracnose, na forma de manchas escuras levemente deprimidas, e apresentando variações quanto à agressividade. Na identificação específica, baseada na análise da seqüência ITS do DNA rib oss omal, 36 is olad os a mpli fic aram com o oligonucleotídeos CgInt, específico para C. gloeosporioides e o ITS4, Os isolados CM1, CM4, CM5 e CM10, não amplificaram produtos para nenhum dos oligonucleotídeos específicos, sendo identificados como Colletotrichum spp. Os resultados desse trabalho demonstraram que isolados de Colletotrichum, obtidos de mangueira, apresentam am pla vari abilida de m orfofisi ológica e p atogêni ca. E qu e, possivelmente, existe mais de uma espécie de Colletotrichum que causa antracnose em mangueira no Nordeste do Brasil.