The purpose of this research was to investigate the ability of rice endophytic bacteria to synthesize extracellular metabolites before and after gfp (Green Fluorescent Protein) gene transformation. These bacteria were grown in liquid media M63+2mM Tryptophan for 3 days and the supernatants were extracted with absolute methanol 1:1 (v/v). The extractants were then analysed with Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrophotometry (GC-MS). The GC-MS result showed that all isolates that were tested be it the control (without transformation) and the mutants (transformed) were able to synthesize growth hormones with different composition patterns, namely Indole 3 Butryric Acid (IBA), Indole Acetic Acid (IAA), Kinentin, Cis Zeatin, Zeatin, Benzylaminopurine, Giberellic Acid (GA3, GA1) as well as Zeatin Riboside. Furthermore, the isolates also synthesised osmoprotectants, namely Glycine, Proline, Arabinose, Thiamine, and Trehalose with different composition patterns as well.