The research work included in this PhD Thesis memory has been supported by the European funded Initial Training Network (ITN) project NematodeSystemHealth ITN (FP7-PEOPLE-2010-ITN Ref. 264639), a competitive grant from the Castilla and León regional government (Junta de Castilla y León) (Ref. LE245A12-2) and a national project from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (AGL2012-34437). Marina Atlija is a grateful grantee of a Marie Curie fellowship funded in the framework of the NematodeSystemHealth ITN (FP7-PEOPLE-2010-ITN Ref. 264639). "If all the matter in the universe except the nematodes were swept away, our world would still be dimly recognizable, and if, as disembodied spirits, we could then investigate it, we should find its mountains, hills, vales, rivers, lakes, and oceans represented by a film of nematodes. The location of towns would be decipherable, since for every massing of human beings there would be a corresponding massing of certain nematodes. Trees would still stand in ghostly rows representing our streets and highways. The location of the various plants and animals would still be decipherable, and, had we sufficient knowledge, in many cases even their species could be determined by an examination of their erstwhile nematode parasites." N. A. Cobb, Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture (1914),