Wool production from different flocks of Ossimi, Rahmani and Barki Egyptian local sheep, raised at six different locations in the country was studied. Different genetic parameters for greasy fleece weight of the three breeds were estimated.Location was of significant effect on annual greasy fleece weight of Rahmani sheep only. With the adjustment for differences in yield percentages, differences in clean wool production from one location to another were slight for the three breeds. Age of ewe was of highly significant effect on annual greasy fleece weight.Heritability estimates of annual greasy fleece weight of the ewes were found to be generally low in the three breeds (range 0-00-0-34). The estimates differed markedly with age; those of the yearling fleece weight of Rahmani and Barki ewes were the highest, being 0-19 and 0-34, respectively.Repeatability estimates of annual greasy fleece weight were also low, being 0-11-0-04 and 0-29 for Ossimi, Rahmani and Barki ewes, respectively.Estimates of genetic correlation between yearling greasy fleece weight of the Ossimi and Rahmani ewes and their weaning and yearling body weights were high and positive. Those between annual greasy fleece weight of the ewes and their reproductive performance traits differed greatly in the two breeds.Delta (M. Moussa and Gemmiza locations, respectively), and the others in Middle and Upper Ossimi, Barki and Rahmani are sub-tropical fat-Egypt regions (Sids and Mallawi locations, restailed sheep. The first two breeds are white in pectively). Two Rahmani flocks were raised at M. colour with coloured faces, while the third breed Moussa and Serw locations, the latter located in the is of brown colour. The three breeds clip light north of Delta. Two Barki flocks were raised at M. fleeces of coarse wool type.Moussa location and in the coastal zone of the The present work reports on wool production Western Desert at B. Arab location. Management from different flocks of the three breeds when was kept as similar as possible, in the different raised at different locations in Egypt. Different flocks. The geographical representation of difgenetic parameters for annual greasy fleece weight ferent locations and the managerial procedures of the three breeds, and its genetic correlation were previously discussed by Aboul-Naga (1976a). with other performance traits were estimated.The annual greasy fleece weight of the ewes born from 1955-69 inclusively, up to their 7th MATERIALS AND METHODS y ear / f 3 ' wer fl e ™Juded m . * e ^ f**-records of their first fleece weight (shorn at 10 Data used in this study were those of different months of age) were analysed. Numbers of ewes flocks from the three breeds (Ossimi, Rahmani and available for the study were 1426, 1101 and 312 Barki) raised since 1955 at six different locations in from the Ossimi, Rahmani and Barki sheep, resEgypt, in farms belonging to the Ministry of Agri-pectively. The total number of the annual ewe culture. The Ossimi flocks were raised at four records was 7502, while that of the first (ye...