The interaction assessment of genotype and environment is necessary to find out an effective selection strategy in progeny trial, particularly in advanced generations. This study aims to observe the effect of family × site interaction in second generation progeny trial of Eucalyptus pellita planted at two locations: Wonogiri, Central Java and Pelaihari, South Kalimantan. The trials design were completely randomized block design (CRBD) with 49 families, 6-10 blocks, 5 tree-plot and 4 m × 1.5 m spacing. Data measurements included height, diameter at breast height, and stem volume at two and four years age. The study results showed that the families had significant differences (p<0.01) for all measured traits at two and four years age, but the family and site interaction was not statistically significant. Family heritability across the two sites were moderate to high for all traits with the type B genetic correlation ranged from 0.67 to 0.94. Heritability and genetic correlation tended to be higher as tree getting older. Less than 16% of families showed an interactive rank changes in the two locations based on multiple-traits selection index. In general, family selection by combining data from the two sites of progeny trial provided higher genetic gain than those by indirect selection, but it was varied to those direct selection on each site. Therefore, these results imply that, the strategy for family selection by combining data from the two sites of progeny trials should be practiced in appropriate combination and direction by considering the magnitude of genetic variation.
ABSTRAKPengaruh interaksi genotipe dengan lingkungan perlu diamati untuk menetapkan strategi seleksi yang efektif dalam plot uji keturunan, khususnya pada generasi tingkat lanjut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pengamatan pengaruh interaksi famili × lokasi pada uji keturunan generasi kedua jenis Eucalyptus pellita yang dibangun di dua lokasi: Wonogiri, Jawa Tengah dan Pelaihari, Kalimantan Selatan. Sebanyak 49 famili diuji menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap berblok (RALB), 6-10 blok, 5 pohon per plot dan jarak tanam 4 m × 1,5 m. Pengukuran data meliputi tinggi, diameter setinggi dada, dan volume batang pada umur 2 dan 4 tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa famili yang diuji berbeda nyata (p<0,01) pada seluruh sifat yang diamati, sedangkan interaksi famili × lokasi tidak berbeda nyata. Nilai heritabilitas famili berkisar sedangtinggi pada semua sifat dengan nilai Tipe B korelasi genetik berkisar 0,67 -0,94. Nilai heritabilitas dan korelasi genetik cenderung semakin tinggi seiring dengan bertambahnya umur tanaman. Kurang dari 16% dari famili yang diuji menunjukkan perubahan rangking yang interaktif antarlokasi berdasarkan nilai indeks seleksi multi-sifat. Secara umum seleksi famili berdasarkan gabungan data dari kedua lokasi plot uji keturunan menunjukkan nilai perolehan genetik yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan seleksi tidak langsung, namun bervariatif terhadap seleksi langsung pada masing-masing lokasi. Hal ini memberikan implikasi ...