Genomic DNA is exposed to a constant insult from sources that are both endogenous and exogenous to the cell. REV1 protein, a eukaryotic member of Y family of DNA polymerases, is involved in the tolerance to such DNA damages by providing a translesion DNA synthesis. Here, we examined possible association between REV1 polymorphisms and breast cancer risk in Thai women. Five single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) REV1 (rs3792152, rs3087395, rs3792137, rs959929, rs3087386) were genotyped. The study population consists of 570 patients with histopathologically conˆrmed breast cancer and 497 controls. Association of genotypes with breast cancer risk was evaluated using multivariate logistic regression to estimate odds ratios (OR) and their 95z conˆdence intervals (95zCI). Our results revealed that the heterozygote carrier of REV1 SNP (rs3087395) was associated with breast cancer risk with OR=1.59 (95 zCI: 1.11-2.29). In addition, an increased risk was observed for homozygotes at the REV1 SNP (rs 959929) with the OR=1.52 (95zCI: 1.01-2.29). A stratiˆed analysis suggested that the association between the REV1 SNPs and breast cancer is diŠerent by the menopausal status. The present results suggest that REV1 polymorphisms are likely to play a modifying role in the individual susceptibility to breast cancer among Thai women.