“…from the Andolfatto group at Columbia University,Dsx-GAL4 (Rideout et al, 2010) andDsx-Gal4.DBD (Pavlou et al., 2016) from Stephen Goodwin, R71G01-p65.AD;MKRS/TM6B,tb (#70798;(Dionne et al, 2018)) and GMR57C10-LexA (#52817) from Gerry Rubin, 10xUAS-Syn21-Chrimson-tdTomato 3.1 [attP18], 13xLexAop2-IVS-Syn21-opGCaMP6s from Allan M. Wong(Hoopfer et al, 2015).w+,NorpA[36],20xUAS-csChrimson-mVenus[attp18];CyO/Sp;MKRS/TM6B,tb is from Vivek Jayaraman, VT25602.p65ADZp; VT2064.ZpGAL4DBD (Wu et al, 2019) and UAS>STOP>TNT (Stockinger et al, 2005) from Barry Dickson, R41A01-LexA (Zhou et al, 2014), Dsx-LexA::P65 (Zhou et al, 2015) from Bruce Baker, 8xLexAop-mCD8tdTomato from Yuh Nung Jan, and UAS(FRT.mCherry)ReachR [attp5] (now Bloomington #53743) from David Anderson (Inagaki et al, 2014). The following flies came from the Bloomington Drosophila stock center: UAS-2xEGFP;Dsx-Gal4 (#6874), R71G01-LexA::p65 [attp40] (Pan et al, 2012) (#54733), w[*]; P{UAS(FRT.w[+mW.hs])TeTxLC}10/CyO (#28842; Keller et al 2002), 8xLexAop-FLP [attp2] ( #55819) and 13xLexAop-GCaMP6s (#44590)…”