SUMMARYIn the pituitaries of maturing adults, the copy numbers of FSHβ mRNA and the FSH content were 2.5-to 100-fold those of the immature fish. Similarly, the amounts of LHβ mRNA and LH content in the maturing adults were 100-to 1000-fold those of immature fish. The plasma levels of testosterone, 11-ketotestosterone and estradiol were higher than 10 nmol l -1 in maturing adults, but lower than 1.0 nmol l -1 in immature fish. The increase in the activity of the PG-axis components had already initiated in the maturing adults while they were still in the Gulf of Alaska in winter. In the homing adults, the pituitary contents and the plasma levels of gonadotropins and plasma sex steroid hormones peaked during upstream migration from the coast to the natal hatchery. The present results thus indicate that the seasonal increase in the activity of the PG axis is an important endocrine event that is inseparable from initiation of spawning migration of chum salmon.
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