Abstract-The ability to accumulate Cu and Cd was investigated in Cu hyperaccumulator and nonaccumulator varieties of Commelina communis. Furthermore, the role of malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione (GSH), and phytochelatin (PC) in the detoxification mechanisms used by the hyperaccumulator C. communis to cope with heavy metals were investigated. Results showed that Cu and Cd contents of both leaves and roots in the hyperaccumulator were higher than those in the nonaccumulator. However, the hyperaccumulator variety could have a more powerful ability to transport Cu and Cd from roots to shoots, thus decreasing the toxicity risk. Meanwhile, the MDA, GSH, and PC contents in the hyperaccumulator were significantly lower than those in the nonaccumulator under Cu and Cd stress, indicating that the former can utilize these sulfhydryl compounds to reduce toxicity caused by metal ions. Thus, the hyperaccumulator can tolerate heavy metal-induced toxicity better than the nonaccumulator.Index Terms-Heavy metals, malondialdehyde, glutathione, phytochelatin.
I. INTRODUCTIONCu is an essential micronutrient for plants, a component of several electron transport enzymes, and is involved in catalyzing redox reactions in mitochondria and chloroplasts [1]. However, Cu also induces toxicity at tissue concentrations slightly above its optimal levels [2]. It can produce a mass of reactive oxygen species, damage cell membranes, and accumulate peroxide [3]. Glutathione (GSH) plays an important role in the heavy metal detoxification mechanism of plants [4]. GSH is a ubiquitous molecule with several roles in cell metabolism, including reactive oxygen species processing, redox state regulation, transport of amino acids, and sulfur storage [5], [6]. A function of GSH could be the chelation of toxic Cd (II) ions during their transport through the cytoplasm [7]. GSH is also used to synthesize phytochelatin (PC) [8]- [10]. Numerous physiological studies have indicated that the roles of PC include heavy metal detoxification [11] and maintenance of the homeostasis of intracellular levels of essential metal ions [12]. Malondialdehyde (MDA) is often used as an indicator of Manuscript received January 14, 2013; revised March 14, 2013 Commelina communis is commonly known in China as an annual multibranched herb with erect stems in its upper part and creeping stems in its lower part. Many studies have been performed to illustrate the hyperaccumulating mechanism of the hyperaccumulator variety of C. communis. Reports that describe the reaction of MDA, GSH, and PC to Cu, however, number much less. Moreover, scholars widely hypothesize that the hyperaccumulator can accumulate more than one kind of heavy metal. As such, two of varieties of C. communis were studied in our experiment as to whether or not they could also accumulate Cd in addition to Cu. The movement of MDA, GSH, and PC in the two varieties was further investigated under Cu-and Cd-induced stress. The study is an attempt to understand the mechanism by which the hyperaccumulator variety can tolera...