Author contributionRR, SB, MJLM and DJL conceived and designed the analyses and managed particular components of the project. RR and SB performed the bioinformatics analyses, which included the compilation of genome scaffolds, annotation and genomic analyses. MJLM produced and analyzed the field data, performed the KO enrichment analysis and oversaw its biological context for data interpretation. RR performed the phylogenetic analyses. DJL produced the OrthoMCL results. SB and DJL performed the candidate gene analyses. IA and AK developed the computational tool Dragon Eukaryotic Analyses Platform (DEAP). ME and SA-B analyzed the inositol pathway and provided its biological context. STA performed the computational structure-function analysis of the I3PS protein. YP performed the myoinositol quantification and analyzed the Na and K concentration, and SA-B provided its metabolic context. MS performed the field trial supervision and phenotypic data collection. MJLM, CTM and SMS prepared materials and undertook sequencing activities. DJL and YSH contributed to the bioinformatics and genomic analyses. RR, SB, MJLM, DJL and SN organized the manuscript, analyzed the data, and wrote the article. SN, MT and VBB designed the research, supervised the project and reviewed the article. All authors contributed to the writing of the paper. RR, SB, MJLM and DJL contributed equally.. pimpinellifolium and S. lycopersicum, we analyzed 15 genes that have previously been shown to mediate salinity tolerance in plants. We show that S. pimpinellifolium has a higher copy number of the inositol-3-phosphate synthase and phosphatase genes, which are both key enzymes in the production of inositol and its derivatives. Moreover, our analysis indicates that changes occurring in the inositol phosphate pathway may contribute to the observed higher salinity tolerance in 'LA0480'. Altogether, our work provides essential resources to understand and unlock the genetic and breeding potential of S. pimpinellifolium, and to discover the genomic basis underlying its environmental robustness.
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