17The most devastating nematodes to worldwide agriculture are the root-knot nematodes with 18Meloidogyne incognita being the most widely distributed and damaging species. This parasitic 19 and ecological success seem surprising given its supposed obligatory clonal reproduction. Clonal 20 reproduction has been suspected based on cytological observations but, so far, never confirmed 21 by population genomics data. At the species level, M. incognita is highly polyphagous with 22 thousands of host plants. However, the host range varies among different M. incognita isolates 23 that may present distinct and more restricted host compatibilities. Historically, four 'host races' 24 had been defined as a function of ranges of compatible and incompatible plants. We sequenced 25 the genomes of 11 isolates across Brazil, covering these four distinct races to assess (i) how clonal 26 reproduction is and (ii) how the level of genome variability associates with biological traits such 27 as the host races, affected agronomic culture, and geographical distribution. By aligning the 28 genomic reads of the isolates to the M. incognita reference genome assembly, we identified SNPs 29 and small-scale insertions/deletions. Analysis of linkage disequilibrium and 4-gametes test, 30 showed no sign of recombination, confirming the clonal mode of reproduction of M. incognita. 31We showed that there are relatively few point variations between the different isolates, and these 32 variations show no significant association with either the host races, the geographical origin of 33 the samples or the host plant on which they have been collected. Due to the lack of phylogenetic 34 signal underlying their existence, we recommend the discontinuation of the terminology "race". 35Overall, these results suggest that multiple gains and losses of parasitic abilities and adaptations 36 to different environmental conditions account for the broad host spectrum and wide geographic 37 distribution of M. incognita. Hence, this metazoan constitutes a model species to study 38 adaptability without sexual recombination and overall low genomic variations in animals. 39 40