We develop a method to identify how ecological, evolutionary, and eco-1 evolutionary feedbacks influence system stability. We apply our method to nine empirically-2 parameterized eco-evolutionary models of exploiter-victim systems from the literature and 3 identify which particular feedbacks cause some systems to converge to a steady state or 4 to exhibit sustained oscillations. We find that ecological feedbacks involving the interac-5 tions between all species and evolutionary and eco-evolutionary feedbacks involving only 6 the interactions between exploiter species (predators or pathogens) are typically stabilizing. 7 In contrast, evolutionary and eco-evolutionary feedbacks involving the interactions between 8 victim species (prey or hosts) are destabilizing more often than not. We also find that 9 while eco-evolutionary feedbacks rarely altered system stability from what would be pre-10 dicted from just ecological and evolutionary feedbacks, eco-evolutionary feedbacks have the 11 potential to alter system stability at faster or slower speeds of evolution. As the number 12 of empirical studies demonstrating eco-evolutionary feedbacks increases, we can continue to 13 apply these methods to determine whether the patterns we observe are common in other 14 empirical communities.
15A fundamental problem in community ecology is understanding what factors influence system 17 stability, e.g., whether a community converges to a steady state or exhibits cycles. Empir-18 ical and theoretical studies have shown that feedbacks between ecological and evolutionary 19 processes, called eco-evolutionary feedbacks, can influence community stability and lead to 20 different population-level dynamics (1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7). For example, experimental bacteria 21 and virus-bacteria systems with demonstrated eco-evolutionary feedbacks converge to steady 22 state (8; 9) whereas experimental rotifer-algae systems exhibit cycles (10; 11; 3; 12; 13).
23Previous theoretical work has explored the (de)stabilizing effects ecological and evolu-24 tionary dynamics have on each other via eco-evolutionary feedbacks. In particular, ecological 25 dynamics have the potential to stabilize unstable evolutionary dynamics or destabilize stable 26 evolutionary dynamics (14; 2; 15). Similarly, evolutionary dynamics can stabilize or destabi-27 lize ecological dynamics (4; 5; 15). In general, stability of a whole system is influenced by the 28 effects species' densities have on the dynamics of population densities (ecological feedbacks), 29 the effects species' traits have on the dynamics of evolving traits (evolutionary feedbacks), 30 and the effects population densities and evolving traits have on each other's dynamics (eco-31 evolutionary feedbacks). Previous theoretical work (7; 15; 16; 17) has explored when these 32 feedbacks have stabilizing versus destabilizing effects, and shown that the strengths of those 33 effects increase or decrease with changes in the relative rates of ecological and evolutionary 34 change. Specifically, stability of the wh...