This study aimed to investigate monthly changes in oestrus and ovulatory activity of Sicilo-Sarde sheep. Experimental animals comprised 25 adult and 10 maiden ewes at the start of the experiment. For 12 consecutive months (September-August), the females were exposed to natural photoperiod and permanently kept in presence of seven aproned rams. Oestrus was checked daily and ovarian activity was monitored by monthly endoscopies during the last week of each month. Ovulation rate for a particular month was assessed as the sum of corpora lutea or corpora albicans present on both ovaries at the time of endoscopy. Proportions of ewes observed in oestrus at least once a month were lowest in March (24.3%) and highest in June and October (100%). They tended (p < 0.06) to be different according to age, dropping during summer from a common value of 100% in June to 85.7% and 90% in July and then to 57.1% and 70% in August for, respectively, the Adults and Maiden females. Overall, the experimental period, 92.5% and 83.8% of Adult and Maiden ewes ovulated at least once per month (p < 0.01) respectively. Least proportions ovulating, attained 60% and 30% in April for, respectively, Adult and Maiden ewes before peaking up at 100% again in May (p < 0.05). Mean (±SD) ovulation rate of Sicilo-Sarde sheep is 1.40 ± 0.503. Adult females had a higher (p < 0.001) ovulation rate than Maiden sheep with respective average values of 1.51 ± 0.516 and 1.16 ± 0.373. It varied little between months and decreased in Adults from a maximum value of 1.95 in October to a minimum value of 1.16 in April. It is concluded that benchmarking seasonal variations of reproductive activity in Sicilo-Sarde breed would be valuable in designing improved management calendars for this breed.