Epidermolysis bullosa occurs in all races worldwide and not differ on incidence between the genders. It is a very rare disease and its occurrence in the population is not known precisely, but it is estimated that the prevalence of dystrophic form is between one case in every 20,000 to 130,000 people and the way acquired a case for 1.3 million people. According to epidemiological data from the United States, there are 50 cases of epidermolysis bullosa 1,000,000 live births. The present study is an attempt to rehabilitate the patient's dentition in question through two hybrid dentures supported on the teeth using a non-invasive treatment and in an efficient manner. Case Report, CF patient, 42 years old, male, white, attended the clinic specialized in prosthodontics University Center North Paulista (UNORP) due to their need for oral rehabilitation. In discussion, by treating able to improve masticatory function, besides the same show already be accustomed to the use of hearing aids without appearance of lesions or blisters and very satisfied with the aesthetic result, increasing their self-esteem. In conclusion, the rehabilitation by means of two hybrid supported denture on teeth has been successfully performed via a non-invasive and efficient treatment.