Globally, India stands second in goat population, with the total of 148.88 million goat (Livestock Census, 2019). Beetal is one of the prime goat breeds of India with total population of 0.71 million (Gowane et al., 2020). Beetal is a large-sized breed, distinguished by its black and white, sometimes red mottled and black mottled coat colour. It is a highly prolific and heat tolerant goat breed mainly reared for meat and milk production. The genetic improvement of economically important traits especially growth traits is the prerequisite for profitable goat farming. Growth traits are the cardinal factors and should be appraised in order to ameliorate economic stability of meat industry (Magotra et al., 2021). The cost of rearing can be dwindled by enhancing growth rate during the early period, which directly enhance farmer's economy. Genetic basis of traits is very essential for evolutionary response (a gradual change