The effect of Immunologic manipulation on the development of primary murine Roul larcoma wal examined after neonatal Injection of Roul larcoma vlrul-lnduced chicken tumor material (RCTM) Into mice. Heterologoul antlthymocyte lerum (ATS) treatment of mice beginning at 7 and 21 daYI of age tripled and nearly doubled, respectively, the Incidence of primary Roul larcoma, but treatment at 21 daYI Ilgnlflcantly prolonged the mean latency period of the relultant tumorl. Allo Itudled wal the effect of an Ip Injection of Iyngenelc adult moule lymphoid cell I, either normal or lenlltlzed, on primary Roul larcoma Incidence. Lymphoid celll from Iyngenelc adult mice Immunized with allogeneic Roul larcomal (and. rellltant to Iyngenelc tumor challenge) had no effect when the anlmall received InJectlonl at birth (day 1), but Immune lymph node celll (LNC) Ilgnlflcantly Increaled tumor Incidence when anlmall were given InJectlonl of LNC 1 week after birth and InJectlonl of RCTM on day 1. LNC and Ipleen cell I (SC) from Iyngenelc adult mice that had been Inoculated with RCTM at birth but had not developed tumorl by 200 daYI of age (\fr) decrealed tumor Incidence when admlnlltered on day 1 but not on day 7. Normal adult SC and LNC had no effect when given on day 1 but Ilgnlflcantly Increaled tumor Incidence when given on day 7. The tumor-Itlmulatlng activity of normal lymphoid celll admlnlltered on day 7 of life wal oblerved both In the relatively IUlceptlble Itraln C57BLI10ScSn mice and the rellltant H-2 congenlc Itraln B10.02. Serum from adult Immune, \fr, and r mice administered on daYI 1 and 7 decrealed primary tumor Incidence, though only the effect of r lerum was Itatlltlcally Ilgnlflcant. The offlprlng of Immune motherl were lesl lusceptlble than those of normal mothers. The offlprlng of palllvely Immunized motherl given lerum from Immune females during pregnancy were more IUlceptlble than controls. RCTM-Inoculated mice were apparently sUlceptlble only to Immunologic manipulations that reduced primary tumor Incidence during the first few daYI of life. After 7 days of age, all treatmentl had no net effect or Increaled tumor Incidence, though ATS treatment beginning at day 21 Ilgnlflcantly lengthened the mean tumor latency perlod.