The Genki Tosaben Musical (Genki), an annual theatre production started in 1996, has foreigners in Kochi Prefecture staging an original musical in Tosaben, the local Japanese dialect. Once the show is ready, the troupe tours the prefecture to promote grassroots cultural exchange. In 2020, the musical was canceled due to COVID-19 restrictions. In response, the organizers transformed the musical theatre production into an online video created using Zoom and remote actors. This paper discusses qualitative data gathered from interviews with the key players (director/writer, producer, lead actor, and video editor) conducted before and after the production. The interviewees discussed their motivations for participation and the effect the experience had on their Japanese language learning and community integration in Kochi. They stated that Genki was important for forming connections within the local community, with both Japanese and non-Japanese, as well as increasing their Japanese ability. However, while a positive experience, online video was less effective than live theatre for achieving these goals.