“…A size of 0 means, that the final stage adder is not a Benchmarks are either generated by the Arithmetic Module Generator of [53] or by Boolector [83] (btor). PPG: simple (sp), Booth (bp) PPA: Dadda tree (dt), Wallace tree (wt), balanced delay tree (bd), array (ar), compressor tree (ct), overturned-stairs tree (os) FSA: Ladner-Fischer (lf), carry look-ahead (cl), Kogge-Stone (ks), carry-skip (ck), ripple-carry (rc), Brent-Kung (bk), conditional sum (cu), carry select (cs) Benchmarks generated by Boolector [83] (btor), from [52] (kjvnkv) and [81]. PPG: simple (sp) PPA: array (ar), Dadda tree (dt), Wallace tree (wt) FSA: ripple-carry (rc), Ladner-Fischer (lf), Brent-Kung (bk)…”