A comprehensive description of the phenotypic changes during cellular aging is key towards 3 unraveling its causal forces. Using recently developed experimental tools, which previously had 4 enabled us to map age related changes in proteome and transcriptome (Janssens et al., 2015), and 5 model-based inference methods, here, we generated a comprehensive account of the metabolic 6 changes during the entire replicative life of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. With age, we found 7 decreasing metabolite levels, decreasing growth and substrate uptake rates accompanied by a 8 switch from aerobic fermentation to a respiratory metabolism, with increased glycerol and acetate 9 production. The identification of intracellular metabolic fluxes revealed an increase in redox 10 cofactor turnover, likely to combat the increased production of reactive oxygen species. The 11 identified metabolic changes possibly reflect a dynamic adaptation to the age-associated, non-12 homeostatic increase in volume. With metabolism being an important factor of the cellular 13 phenotype, this work complements our recent mapping of the transcriptomic and proteomic 14 changes towards a holistic description of the cellular processes during aging.15 Author Contributions GH, AM and MH conceived the idea of the study. GH, SL, AM and MH designed the study with input 16 from BN. GH, AM and GJ performed the aging cultivation experiments. DS performed the metabolomics analysis. AL and AP 17 performed the single cell analysis and batch cultivation experiments. GH developed the model to deconvolve the experimental 18 data. SL developed the model to estimate intracellular fluxes. SL and GH analyzed experimental data. SL, GH and MH wrote the 19 manuscript. MH supervised the study.35 altered metabolism with increasing replicative age. Here, exploiting the novel cultivation technique, 36 metabolomics and model-based inference methods (Niebel et al., 2018), we identified a metabolic shift 37 during the replicative lifespan of S. cerevisiae. With this work, we complement our recent proteome and 38 transcriptome profiling data with the corresponding metabolome, and generate a description of the 39 functional phenotypic changes accompanied with cellular aging which ultimately lead to senescence and 40 cell cycle arrest.
42Column-based cultivation to enrich aged mother cells
43To generate large quantities of aged cells, required for the metabolic profiling, we used our earlier 44 developed column-based cultivation technique. Here, biotinylated cells attached to streptavidin-45 conjugated iron beads are immobilized inside a column positioned in the center of a ring magnet. A 46 continuous nutrient flow through the column removes emerging daughter cells, while largely retaining 47 mother cells (Janssens et al., 2015). Several columns operated in parallel, allowed harvesting cells at 48 different time points, corresponding to cell age. At each harvesting, we obtained three samples differently 49 enriched with aged mother cells; (1) from the column effluent, (2) fro...