Despite the obstacles facing marine colonists, most lineages of aquatic organisms have colonized and diversified in freshwaters repeatedly. These transitions can trigger rapid morphological or physiological change and, on longer timescales, lead to increased rates of speciation. Diatoms are a lineage of ancestrally marine microalgae that have diversified throughout freshwater habitats worldwide. We generated a phylogenomic dataset of genomes and transcriptomes for 59 species to resolve freshwater transitions in one diatom lineage, the Thalassiosirales. Although most parts of the species tree were consistently resolved with strong support, we had difficulties resolving a Paleocene radiation, which affected the placement of one freshwater lineage. This and other parts of the tree were characterized by high levels of gene tree discordance caused by incomplete lineage sorting and low phylogenetic signal. Despite differences in species trees inferred from concatenation versus summary methods and codons versus amino acids, traditional methods of ancestral state reconstruction supported six transitions into freshwaters, two of which led to subsequent species diversification. However, simulations suggested as few as two independent transitions when accounting for hemiplasy, transitions occurring on branches in gene trees not shared with the species tree. This suggested that transitions across the salinity divide were originally facilitated by alleles already present in the ancestral marine populations. Accounting for differences in evolutionary outcomes, in which some taxa became locked into freshwaters while others were able to return to the ocean or become salinity generalists, might help distinguish between the ancestral changes that opened the door to freshwaters versus the subsequent, lineage-specific adaptations that allowed them to stay and thrive.