Water deprivation can be a major stressor to microbial life in surface and subsurface soil. In unsaturated soils, the matric potential (⌿ m ) is often the main component of the water potential, which measures the thermodynamic availability of water. A low matric potential usually translates into water forming thin liquid films in the soil pores. Little is known of how bacteria respond to such conditions, where, in addition to facing water deprivation that might impair their metabolism, they have to adapt their dispersal strategy as swimming motility may be compromised. Using the pressurized porous surface model (PPSM), which allows creation of thin liquid films by controlling ⌿ m , we examined the transcriptome dynamics of Pseudomonas putida KT2440. We identified the differentially expressed genes in cells exposed to a mild matric stress (؊0.4 MPa) for 4, 24, or 72 h. The major response was detected at 4 h before gradually disappearing. Upregulation of alginate genes was notable in this early response. Flagellar genes were not downregulated, and the microarray data even suggested increasing expression as the stress prolonged. Moreover, we tested the effect of polyethylene glycol 8000 (PEG 8000), a nonpermeating solute often used to simulate ⌿ m , on the gene expression profile and detected a different profile than that observed by directly imposing ⌿ m . This study is the first transcriptome profiling of KT2440 under directly controlled ⌿ m and also the first to show the difference in gene expression profiles between a PEG 8000-simulated and a directly controlled ⌿ m .
In environments like surface or subsurface soils, hydration conditions can change frequently, and thus, the bacteria and other organisms living in those environments can face water deprivation. The thermodynamic availability of water to bacteria is measured as the water potential, which is the expression of the energetic state of water. In soil, the two largest components of the water potential (⌿) are the solute (⌿ s ) and the matric (⌿ m ) potentials (18). ⌿ s is the result of the presence of solutes in the water; ⌿ m is the result of adsorptive and capillary forces acting upon water held in soil pores. In a wet soil, where the pores are filled (or "saturated") with liquid, ⌿ m is zero. When the soil dries and the pores drain, ⌿ m becomes more and more negative and, in nonsaline soils, will be the major contributor to ⌿. In ⌿ m -dominated environments, bacteria thus reside in thin liquid films, the thickness of which depends both on ⌿ m and on the geometry of the pores (34). Depending on the severity of the ⌿ m , bacteria experience from mild to extreme stress (desiccation, e.g., Ϫ100 MPa) (26). Bacterial responses to this stress include accumulating compatible solutes such as trehalose and sucrose (26), increasing fatty acid content of the cytoplasmic membrane (16), and producing extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) (27, 39). EPS acts as a water-binding agent (33).In addition to direct physiological effects, low ⌿ m in soil also acts on bac...