It has been 30 years since it was first proposed that the vertebrate genome evolved through several rounds of genome-wide duplications (polyploidizations) 1 . Despite rapid advances in genetics, including sequencing of the complete genomes of several divergent species, this hypothesis has not been tested rigorously and is still a matter of debate 2 . If polyploidizations occurred during chordate evolution, there should be a network of paralogous regions in the present-day jawed vertebrate (Gnathostomata) genomes 3 . Here we present an investigation of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) paralogous regions, which we accomplished by characterizing the corresponding region in amphioxus by identifying nine anchor genes and sequencing both the anchor genes and the regions that flank them (a total of 400 kb). Phylogenetic analysis of 31 genes (including the anchor genes) in these regions shows that duplications occurred after the divergence of cephalochordates and vertebrates but before the Gnathostomata radiation. The distribution of human and amphioxus orthologs in their respective genomes and the relationship between these distributions support the en bloc duplication events. Our analysis represents the first step towards demonstrating that the human ancestral genome has undergone polyploidization. Moreover, reconstruction of the pre-duplicated region indicates that one of the duplicated regions retains the ancestral organization.The genomic region in amphioxus that is equivalent to the human MHC paralogous regions has been defined through several steps, including: (i) choosing anchor genes, (ii) cloning their amphioxus equivalents, (iii) isolating the corresponding amphioxus genomic regions and analyzing neighboring genes (especially their phylogenetic relationships to the human genes) and (iv) studying the distribution of the human genes that are orthologous to the amphioxus genes.We hypothesized that the MHC paralogous regions are the result of en bloc duplications that occurred before the Gnathostomata radiation. After these large-scale duplications, some of the duplicated genes probably returned to single-copy status or translocated to other chromosomal regions. We therefore used two approaches to select the anchor genes. The first approach is based on the analysis of the MHC paralogous regions. To identify paralogous genes that could result from these events, we selected Fig. 1 Definition of the anchor genes. Two main approaches were used: the analysis of the human MHC paralogous regions and establishing the preserved syntenies between human and bony fishes (Actinopterygii). a, If the paralogous regions are the result of en bloc duplications, the observed conserved syntenies were present in the ancestral genomic region before the en bloc duplication. In the case of the MHC paralogous regions, this event probably occurred at least 420 Myr ago; thus, these syntenies are also at least this old. We expanded upon previous work 13 by searching the paralogous regions to find new paralogous genes in the data...