Long-read single-molecule sequencing has revolutionized de novo genome assembly and enabled the automated reconstruction of reference-quality genomes. It has also been widely used to study structural variants, phase haplotypes and more. Here, we introduce the assembler SMARTdenovo, a single-molecule sequencing (SMS) assembler that follows the overlap-layout-consensus (OLC) paradigm. SMARTdenovo (RRID: SCR_017622) was designed to be a rapid assembler, which, unlike contemporaneous SMS assemblers, does not require highly accurate raw reads for error correction. It has performed well in the evaluation of congeneric assemblers and has been successfully users for various assembly projects. It is compatible with Canu for assembling high-quality genomes, and several of the assembly strategies in this program have been incorporated into subsequent popular assemblers. The assembler has been in use since 2015; here we provide information on the development of SMARTdenovo and how to implement its algorithms into current projects.