Caldesmon is a cytoskeleton-associated protein whichhas not yet been related to neoplastic angiogenesis. In this study we investigated the expression of the caldesmon gene (CALD1) splicing variants and the protein expression level in glioma microvessels versus normal brain microvasculature. To exclude sources of splice variant expression from non-vascular components all possible cellular components present in control and glioma samples were prescreened by laser-capture microdissection followed by RT-PCR before the cohort study. We discovered differential expression of the splicing variants of CALD1 in the tumor microvessels in contrast to normal brain microvasculature. Missplicing of exons 1, 1 ؉ 4, and 1 ؉ 4 of the gene is exclusively found in glioma microvessels. To exclude the possibility that this missplicing results from splice-site mutations, Genome-wide analyses have revealed that 40 to 60% of human genes undergo alternative splicing. 1 Alternative splicing, therefore, seems to contribute considerably to enable the highly complex and diverse functions encoded by the human genome. Alternative splicing permits vertebrate pre-mRNA to be processed into multiple mRNAs differing in their precise combination of exon sequences, resulting in the encoding of different protein isoforms. 2 Multiple modes of alternative splicing exist, such as alternative 5Ј or 3Јsplice-site usage, differential inclusion or skipping of particular exons, mutually exclusion of exons, and more. 3 Importantly, alternative splicing is often tightly regulated in a cell type-or developmental stage-specific mode. 3 The essential nature of this process is underscored by the fact that misregulation (missplicing events) is often related to human disease. 4 -6