Determination of optimum wheat sowing density, adequate to the genotype and the environment, is essential to avoid lodging and competition between plants, which can reduce seed productivity and quality. In this sense, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of seeding density (in cultivars BRS Sabiá e BRS Gralha-Azul) on productivity and physiological quality of seeds of two wheat cultivars. The seeds were produced in the experimental field of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, in Londrina-PR, at the National Center for Soy Research (Embrapa Soja) in experimental design of randomized blocks in a 2x4 factorial scheme, with four replications. The following evaluations were performed: seed productivity, thousand seeds mass, first count of germination, germination, seedling length, seedling dry weight, accelerated aging, seedling emergence in sand and emergency speed index. In general, the increase in seed density increases seed production and does not alter germination and emergence of seedlings of both cultivars. The cultivar BRS Gralha-Azul proved to be more productive than BRS Sabiá. The increase in seeding density increases seed vigor for BRS Sabiá cultivar and reduces to BRS Gralha-Azul cultivar.