Abstract. To better understand the molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis induced in uterine endometrium by therapeutic anti-estrogenic Tamoxifen (TAM) exposure, 27 uterine tumors (4 benign endometrial polyps and 23 carcinomas) associated with TAM exposure were analyzed for the presence and spectrum of p53 and K-ras mutations. Although there was no significant difference between TAM-associated endometrial carcinomas and sporadic endometrial tumors in the frequency of these mutations, the spectrum of p53 mutations was characteristically unique to the TAM-associated tumors. The median duration of TAM exposure was significantly longer in patients with p53 mutations than those without p53 mutations (62 vs. 30 months, p=0.028). Our observation suggests that prolonged TAM exposure may directly inactivate the p53 gene by acting as a mutagen in a significant fraction of TAM-associated endometrial carcinomas.
IntroductionEndometrial carcinoma represents 6% of all newly diagnosed malignancies yearly in women in the United States. It is the second most common malignancy of the female urogenital tract in Japan, where its incidence is increasing.Endometrial carcinoma has been classified into two types according to the tumor's biological and clinical features (1). The Type I carcinoma includes low grade endometrioid carcinoma and represents approximately 70-80% of sporadic endometrial carcinomas. Type I is preceded by complex hyperplasia with atypia and it is often associated with excessive estrogenic stimulation. It occurs predominantly in premenopausal or perimenopausal women and is associated with obesity, hyperlipidemia, anovulation, infertility, and late menopause, and it has a favorable prognosis. In contrast, Type II carcinoma consists of high grade endometrioid and non-endometrioid tumors and represents 10-20% of sporadic endometrial carcinomas. The Type II tumor is usually not associated with estrogen stimulation or hyperplasia. It frequently occurs in postmenopausal women and it carries a higher mortality rate. ONCOLOGY REPORTS 19: 1293-1298, 2008 Alterations of the K-ras and p53 genes in Tamoxifenassociated endometrial
Present addresses:10 National Hospital Organization Kyoto Medical Center, 1-1 Mukaihata-cho, Fushimi, Kyoto 612-8555, Japan;11 Cytology and Gynecology, Osaka Cancer Prevention and Detection Center, 1-6-107 Morinomiya, Joto-ku, Osaka 536-8588, JapanAbbreviations: TAM, Tamoxifen; HPLC, high-performance liquid chromatography; dG-N 2 -TAM, α-(N 2 -deoxyguanosinyl)tamoxifen; CpG, 5'-CpG-3'