Determination of the abscisic acid and indoleacetic acid (IAA) contents of floral stem segments of nontransformed and pRi A4 TL-DNA-transformed rape (Brassica napus L. var oleifera, cv Brutor) using a high performance liquid chromatography-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay procedure and mass spectrometry controls showed that IAA levels were not modified. The regeneration abilities of the in vitro cultured explants were compared on media supplemented with several plant growth regulator combinations. No regeneration occurred on hormone-free media, and shoot production was similar in both genotypes when supplemented with benzyladenine. In the presence of naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), transformed explants were characterized by faster root regeneration and reduced shoot organogenesis. The optimum for root formation was the same in nontransformed and transformed plants, but However, recent data (5) have shown that the protein encoded by the rolB oncogene is able to hydrolyze indole glucosides. Moreover, Estruch et al. (4) have reported that the roiC is responsible for the release of cytokinins from glucoside conjugates. Thus, according to these findings, one would expect to observe an increase in IAA and cytokinins in tissues containing the TL-DNA. Until now, this has not been convincingly demonstrated (19,21). Therefore, we decided to check these two hypotheses by comparing the ability of transformed and untransformed tissues to regenerate buds and roots because it is well known that organogenesis is controlled by numerous interactions among which genotypic and hormonal factors are essential (8,15). Thus, we have undertaken a study using rape (Brassica napus L. var oleifera, cv Brutor) floral stem explants of nontransformed and pRi A4 TL-DNA-transformed genotypes, comparing their responses to several plant growth regulators. In addition, the levels of endogenous auxin and ABA in the explants were measured. Here we show no differences in endogenous hormone levels, but we give evidence that differences in speed of root formation and number of regenerated buds were triggered by NAA'. These results are discussed with respect to the hypothesis of an increased sensitivity to auxin and/or a more efficient transduction of auxin signal.