We analyzed seasonal variation in mortality rates in adult males and females of the European adder (Vipera berus), using data collected during a 13‐year capture–recapture study (2005–2017) in a large population. We concurrently obtained quantitative information on the seasonal variation in the detectability and body condition of adders. Our results show strong seasonality in body condition, encounter, and capture rates of adult adders, and these patterns differ markedly between sexes and between breeding and nonbreeding females. Seasonal variation in mortality rates was however virtually nonexistent in males and moderately low in both breeding and nonbreeding females. In addition, we found no evidence for among‐year differences in the seasonal mortality schedules of males and females. During periods of intensive basking, both males and pregnant females are highly visible for humans, but are not subject to strong natural mortality. This low susceptibility to predation is presumably induced by various factors, including the limitation of overt exposure to short periods of time and specific microhabitats, the dorsal coloration pattern that provides cryptic protection and possibly also an aposematic warning signal, and presumed seasonal differences in the foraging behavior and food requirements of natural predators. Our data provide some evidence that female adders, but not males, are relatively vulnerable to predation during the seasonal migrations between the hibernation and feeding habitats. Mortality in the females was not much elevated during their breeding years, but was notably highest in the spring of the ensuing nonbreeding year. After giving birth, reproductive females are extremely emaciated and have a weakened general condition. They then run the risk of dying from starvation either before, during, or after hibernation. The higher mortality after giving birth, that is sustained over a period of ca. 9 months, should be considered as an indirect and delayed survival cost of reproduction.