The importance of early evaluation by a neurotologist in patients with infective endocarditis treated with systemic gentamicin and its impact on the patients’ quality of life was evaluated. This is a longitudinal retrospective cohort study of 29 patients who received intravenous gentamicin for the treatment of infective endocarditis. Patients were classified into two groups: group A, before a neurotologist was included in the treatment protocol, and group B, after the inclusion of a neurotologist. The frequency of the different symptoms in each group was measured, and the gain of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) and its relationship with the presence of oscillopsia. In total, 13 and 16 patients were assigned to groups A and B, respectively. The mean gain of the VOR measured using the video head impulse test in group A was 0.44 in the best side and 0.39 in the worst side. In group B, the mean gain was 0.71 (best side) and 0.64 (worst side) (p < 0.0001). The patients who complained about oscillopsia had a main gain of 0.41 in the best side and 0.35 in the worst side. Evaluation of vestibular function should be included in the infective endocarditis treatment protocol, including the adverse effects of systemic gentamicin.