Abstract. Compact hyperbolic surfaces of given genus g containing discs of the maximum radius have been studied from various points of view. In this paper we connect these different approaches and observe some properties of the Fuchsian groups uniformizing both compact and punctured extremal surfaces. We also show that extremal surfaces of genera g ¼ 2; 3 may contain one or several extremal discs, while an extremal disc is necessarily unique for g ! 4. Along the way we also construct explicit families of extremal surfaces, one of which turns out to be free of automorphisms.2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 30F35, 30F10.1. Introduction. Extremal surfaces, that is hyperbolic surfaces containing discs of maximum radius in given genus, appear in the literature from different points of view: as cycloidal groups (Petterson and Millington, see [13]), as central curves (Macbeath [12]), f rom the point of view of generic polygon side pairings (Fricke and Klein [4] or Jorgensen and Na¨a¨ta¨nen [11]) and finally as genuine extremal surfaces (Bavard [2]). In this paper we study some properties of extremal surfaces and the groups which uniformize them. Its content is as follows.In Section 2 we gather together the above mentioned points of view and show that they are all equivalent. The key characterization is that extremal surfaces of genus g arise, exactly, as semiregular covers of the sphere with three branch points of order ð2; 3; 12g À 6Þ. We also construct two explicit families X g , Y g of such surfaces.In Section 3 we show that the groups uniformizing extremal surfaces (resp. extremal surfaces with the center deleted, called cycloidal) are never normal in the triangle group of type ð2; 3; 12g À 6Þ (resp. in PSL 2 ðZÞ).In Sections 4, 5 we show that while extremal surfaces of genera g ¼ 2; 3 may contain several extremal discs, for g ! 4 extremal surfaces contain exactly one. In the case of genus 2 we, in fact, consider the eight extremal surfaces of genus 2, whose description goes back to Fricke and Klein ([4], see also [11]), and detect the number of centers each of them has. The uniqueness of discs when g ! 4 is obtained by linking extremality to arithmeticity (of the uniformizing groups). This result was presented in the note [6] but we include it here for the sake of completeness.