The northeastern part of Kaipokok Bay is located in the Makkovik Province of Labrador, in the boundary zone between the Kaipokok and Aillik domains. The Kaipokok domain is characterized by reworked Archean gneiss, ca. 2100 Ma mafic metavolcanic and supracrustal metasedimentary rocks, and ca. 1895-1870 Ma plutonic rocks. The Aillik domain to the southeast is characterized by metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks of the ca. 1860 Ma Aillik Group and younger 1800 Ma (syn-Makkovikian), 1720 Ma (post-Makkovikian), and 1670-1640 Ma (Labradorian) plutonic rocks. In the study area, the Aillik Group is dominated by metasandstone with less abundant metaconglomerate and meta-rhyolite, and rare calc-silicate and mafic volcanic rocks. The largest plutons in the area are the ca. 1802