Moderate Low or not detectedValues are a percentage of the study area with concentrations in the three specified categories. Percentages might not sum to 100 because of rounding. 27 57 98 2 17 Inorganic constituents Organic constituents National Water Quality Program National Water-Quality Assessment Project Overview of Water Quality Principal Aquifer Studies (Burow and Belitz, 2014) are designed to evaluate groundwater used for public supply prior to any treatment. Groundwater quality is assessed by comparing concentrations to benchmarks established for drinkingwater quality. Benchmarks and definitions of high, moderate, and low relative concentrations are discussed at the bottom of page 3. Water from 84 percent of the study area did not have high concentrations of any contaminant measured.Many inorganic constituents are naturally present in groundwater. The concentrations of inorganic constituents can be affected by natural processes as well as by human activities. One or more inorganic constituents with human-health benchmarks were detected at high concentrations in about 17 percent of the study area and at moderate concentrations in about 27 percent.Organic constituents derived from human activities are used in household, business, industrial, and agricultural products. They can enter the environment through normal usage, spills, or improper disposal. Organic constituents with human-health benchmarks were detected at moderate concentrations in about 2 percent of the study area.