The lower crustal Gföhl Unit (Moldanubian Zone of the Bohemian Massif) consists of various felsic orthogneisses to migmatites (the so-called Gföhl gneiss) that are commonly associated with the high-pressure felsic granulites, serpentinized garnet/spinel peridotites, garnet pyroxenites, eclogites and skarns. The relatively small skarn bodies at Vevčice in southern Moravia have the prevailing assemblage of medium-to coarse-grained granoblastic clinopyroxene + garnet ± amphibole ± epidote. The skarn is cut by narrow veins of diorite pegmatite (SiO 2 = 46-56 wt. %) which is geochemically distinct from granitic melt generated by migmatization of surrounding orthogneisses. Major pegmatite minerals are plagioclase (An 15-44 ), amphibole (K-rich hastingsite and potassic-hastingsite) and quartz, accompanied by minor K-feldspar, garnet, allanite-epidote, clinopyroxene, and accessory titanite. The pegmatites are characterized by high contents of Fe 2 O 3tot (11.2-17.5 wt. %), CaO (7.5-10.1 wt. %), Na 2 O (2.9-3.3 wt. %) and low contents of MgO (1.4-1.6 wt. %), K 2 O (1.2-1.6 wt. %), Rb (43-86 ppm). Whole-rock and mineral chemistry of diorite pegmatites are consistent with their origin as a product of melt infiltration from surrounding migmatites and subsequent contamination by the country-rock skarn, with or without, fractional crystallization/crystal accumulation. Similarity in composition of amphiboles in the skarn and in the pegmatite can indicate formation under similar conditions, at c. 750 °C and 0.7-0.8 GPa.Keywords: diorite pegmatite, skarn, mineralogy, geochemistry, Moldanubian Zone, Bohemian Massif Received: 13 March, 2016; accepted: 7 March, 2017; handling editor: V. Kachlík The newly discovered skarn at Vevčice near Znojmo, Czech Republic, represents one of few outcrops suitable for detailed study of the relationship between skarn and amphibole-rich diorite pegmatites. The several-cm thick pegmatite veins consist of variable amounts of amphibole and plagioclase that considerably prevail over K-feldspar and quartz (both up to 5 vol. %). Minor epidote or garnet is locally present. The aim of this study is to decipher relations between mineral assemblage of the skarn and pegmatite and to discuss the origin of the latter.