Kjarsgaard et al.A Review of the Geology of Global Diamond Mines and Deposits 3 Table 1. Mineralogy of kimberlite, carbonate-rich olivine lamproite (CROL), and olivine lamproite. Minerals present Kimberlite Carbonate-rich olivine lamproite (CROL) Olivine lamproite Megacryst suite (> 1 cm) Common to absent Absent, rare Absent, ?very rare? Cognate and antecryst minerals Olivine Common to absent Rare to absent Rare to absent Phlogopite Minor to absent Common to minor Common, minor, rare Spinel Common to rare (spinel cores) Minor to absent (spinel cores) Minor to absent (spinel cores) Diopside Absent Rare to absent Rare to absent (Minor) Phenocryst /Microphenocrysts (0.2-1.0 mm) Olivine phenocrysts Common Common Common Olivine microphenocrysts Common Minor to rare Minor to rare Phlogopite phenocrysts Minor, rare, absent Common Common Phlogopite microphenocrysts Minor, rare (poikilitic) Common Common (poikilitic) Spinel phenocrysts Common to minor Minor to rare Minor to rare Diopside microphenocrysts Absent Variable: Common to absent Minor to absent Groundmass (<0.2 mm) Olivine Common Minor to rare Rare, absent Phlogopite Common, laths (poikilitic) Common (poikilitic) Common (poikilitic) Spinel Common to minor Minor to rare Minor to rare Glass Absent, exceptionally rare? Absent (not reported) Common, minor, rare Apatite Common to rare Common to minor Minor to rare Perovskite Common to minor, rare Minor to rare Minor to rare Carbonate (calcite, dolomite) Common to minor Common to minor Rare, absent