We show that for a smooth closed curve γ on a compact Riemannian surface without boundary, the inner product of two eigenfunctions e λ and eµ restricted to γ, | e λ eµ ds|, is bounded by min{λ 1 2 , µ 1 2 }. Furthermore, given 0 < c < 1, if 0 < µ < cλ, we prove that e λ eµ ds = O(µ 1 4 ), which is sharp on the sphere S 2 . These bounds unify the period integral estimates and the L 2 -restriction estimates in an explicit way. Using a similar argument, we also show that the ν-th order Fourier coefficient of e λ over γ is uniformly bounded if 0 < ν < cλ, which generalizes a result of Reznikov for compact hyperbolic surfaces, and is sharp on both S 2 and the flat torus T 2 . Moreover, we show that the analogs of our results also hold in higher dimensions for the inner product of eigenfunctions over hypersurfaces.