The Iraqi Western Desert (IWD) is characterized by enormous geodiversity types in different geological aspects; including geomorphology, lithology, structural geology, mineral deposits, karst forms, and geological hazards. Within each of the mentioned aspects, different forms of different shapes, sizes, and origins can be seen in different parts of the IWD, which we divided into 4 parts, among them 11 main types and 25 sub-types. We have studied geological maps of different scales (1:100000 and 1:250000), interpreted satellite images, and reviewed tens of published articles, books, and scientific reports, besides field visits which lasted for tens of years to conduct the current research. Tens of examples are presented, which confirm geological Geodiversity in the IWD including many field photos and satellite images, as best available. We also presented a satellite image of the IWD and marked 54 locations of different types of geodiversity including ex-situ and in-situ. Locally, detailed explanations are given for some significant forms and/ or features to present their types, origins, and modes of development.