Female sex workers (FSW) are among the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) most-at-risk sub-populations worldwide. During COVID-19 pandemic, movement of people including FSWs was restricted in many parts of Nigeria. This paper reports on a study conducted to determine sexual practices and risk profile among FSWs during the COVID-19 pandemic in Uyo, Nigeria. This study was a cross-sectional study among FSWs at Uyo One-stop-shop for Key Populations from June 2020–August 2020 using a structured questionnaire. Participants were selected using systematic random sampling. Responses to consistent condom use and sexual practices with different categories of clients, prophylaxis use, and adherence were collected. Bivariate analyses were done using the Chi-square test as well as Fisher’s exact test while multivariate analysis was with logistic regression analysis and P-value of <0.05 considered statistically significant. 357 FSWs interviewed, but only 344(96.4%) had complete response. 37.2% of the respondents were within the 25-29 years age range and mean (standard deviation-SD) age of 29.06(5.20). 72.4% of the respondents reported they consistently use condoms with first-time clients and 65.7% with repeat clients. 88.7% of the respondents were unmarried and 74.4% have been FSW for ≤5 years with a mean (SD) duration of 4.95(4.02) years. 47.4% of respondents had unprotected sex when incentivized by clients. Cases of HIV exposure among respondents without prophylaxis were reported by 34.9% and 38.1% of the respondents, respectively. Overall adherence to PEP was 30.9%. A high proportion of FSWs engage in high-risk behaviors. FSWs should be advised on their role in HIV prevention through consistent condom use. Keywords: COVID-19, Female Sex Workers, Pre- and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis, Sexual Behaviours, Sexual Practices.