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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataClark, Brian R. Groundwater availability of the Mississippi Embayment / by Brian R. Clark, Rheannon M. Hart, and Jason J. Gurdak. p. cm. --(Professional paper ; 1785) ISBN 978-1-4113-3134-1 (soft cover) 1. Groundwater--Mississippi Embayment. 2. Groundwater--Southern States. 3. Water table--Mississippi Embayment. 4. Water table--Southern States. 5. Aquifers--Mississippi Embayment. 6. Aquifers--Southern States. I. Hart, Rheannon M. II. Gurdak, Jason J. III. Title. IV. Series: U.S. Geological Survey professional paper ; 1785. GB1018. C53 2011 551.490975--dc23 2011021667 iii
ForewordAlthough often overlooked, groundwater is increasingly important to all our lives. Groundwater is the Nation's principal reserve of freshwater. It provides half our drinking water and is essential to U.S. food production while facilitating business and industry in promoting economic wellbeing. Groundwater is also an important source of water for sustaining the ecosystem health of rivers, wetlands, and estuaries throughout the country.Large-scale development of groundwater resources with accompanying declines in groundwater levels and other effects of pumping have led to concerns about the future availability of groundwater to meet all our Nation's needs. The depletion of groundwater to satisfy the country's thirst and the compounding effects of recent droughts emphasize the need for an updated status of the Nation's groundwater resources. Assessments of groundwater resources provide the science and information needed by the public and decision makers to evaluate water availability and its effects on the water supply, as well as, to manage and use the water resources responsibly. Adding to this already complex task of resource assessment is the analysis of potential future effects due to climate variability, which can further exacerbate an already challenging situation.The U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) Groundwater Resources Program is conducting largescale multidisciplinary regional studies of groundwater availability, such as this study of the Mississippi embayment aquifer system. These regional studies ...