The Portalegre shear zone separates the Rio Piranhas-Seridó and the Jaguaribeano geological terranes in the Northern Domain of the Borborema Province. Banded gneisses of the Caicó and the Jaguaretama Complexes represent the basements of these terranes. U-Pb analyses yielded ages of 2,193 ± 16 Ma for the Jaguaretama Complex, which is similar to those obtained for the Caicó Complex. T DM Sm-Nd ages for these basement complexes showed Neoarchean values (ca. 2.5 Ga), with ε Nd(t) values close to the CHUR composition. Elongated bodies were found intruding into the rocks of the Jaguaretama Complex. These foliated bodies with elongated phenocrysts are described as augen gneisses of the Serra do Deserto Suite. These gneisses yielded crystallization ages of 1,777 ± 8 Ma, confirming an extensional period during the Statherian, which is well represented in the Jaguaribeano Terrane by A-type plutonic rocks. Augen gneisses with similar textures, the so called Poço da Cruz Suite, are found intruding the Caicó Complex in the Rio Piranhas-Seridó terrane; however, the ages found throughout the domain are predominantly Rhyacian (ca. 2.2 Ga) and present calc-alkaline affinities. These findings indicate that the augen gneisses, which are widely distributed in these two terranes, have different signatures and are temporally well separated. Furthermore, in agreement with previous geophysical data suggesting a division of terranes marked by the Portalegre Shear Zone, it also demonstrates that even though the Caicó and the Jaguaretama Complexes have similar ages, similar structural evolution and metamorphism under similar pressure and temperature conditions, they exhibit marked differences in composition. Keywords: Borborema Province; Jaguaribeano terrane; Rio Piranhas-Serido terrane; Serra do Deserto Suite; Poço da Cruz Suite; Portalegre shear zone.
ResumoA zona de cisalhamento Portalegre separa os terrenos geológicos Rio Piranhas-Seridó e Jaguaribeano do Domínio Setentrional da Província Borborema, com gnaisses bandados dos Complexos Caicó e Jaguaretama representando os respectivos embasamentos destes terrenos. Análises U-Pb forneceram idades de 2.193 ± 16 Ma para os ortognaisses do Complexo Jaguaretama, resultados muito similares às determinadas para o Complexo Caicó. Idades T DM Sm-Nd nesses Complexos forneceram valores neoarqueanos (ca. 2,5 Ga), com ε Nd(t) muito próximos ao CHUR. Intrudindo as rochas do Complexo Jaguaretama, destacam-se corpos alongados, foliados e com pórfiros estirados, denominados de Suíte Serra do Deserto. Estes forneceram idades de cristalização a 1.777 ± 8 Ma, ratificando um período extensional que ocorreu no Estateriano, bem representado no terreno Jaguaribeano por sequências vulcanossedimentares e plutônicas Tipo-A. Augen gnaisses com texturas similares, denominados de Suíte Poço da Cruz, são encontrados intrudindo o Complexo Caicó no terreno Rio Piranhas-Seridó, porém, as idades registradas por todo este domínio são predominantemente Riacianas (ca. 2,2 Ga) e de afinidades cálcio-alcalinas, indica...