It ias beea reprsiiisca frsm tiii besS waliable etpf to permit the fireailast passiijie atailaiiiif. !. ":B i NOTICE TU READER The Department of Energy (DOE) is evaluating various geographic regions and rock types in the conterminous United States to determine their potential suitability for deep geologic disposal of commercial high-level radioactive wastes. The Office of Crystalline Repository Development (OCRD) of Battelie Memorial Institute's Project Management Division is responsible to DOE for coordinating the work of a number of National Laboratories and subcontractors with geological and environmental expertise in studies of crystalline rock. The evaluation process is one of screening successively smaller units of land containing potential host rock types. Eventually, one or more repository sites may be selected from a number of potentially suitable alternatives. Salt domes, bedded salt, tuff, and basalt are being considered for the nation's first repository. Status of the investigations in crystalline rock will allow their consideration for a second or subsequent repository. This report is being issued to describe the geologic reconnaissance that has been completed in the national survey of crystalline rocks and the decision process applied in evaluating and recommending regions for further study. This document supersedes the earlier draft ONWI-50 entitled "Crystalline Intrusives in the United States and Regional Geologic Characteristics Important for Storage of Radioactive Waste". It is not simply a revision of draft ONWI-50, but a document which provides additional information and logic to support the regional recommendations resulting from the national reconnaissance and evaluations. As such, the document incorporates some of the draft ONWI-50 data base as well as other relevant data from more recent sources. It is responsive to and includes resolutions of, pertinent issues and substantive comments raised through state reviews of draft ONWI-50, This document will serve as the basis for the regional phase of activities for the Crystalline Rock Project of the National Waste Terminal Storage (NWTS) program. In issuing this document, DOE is completing the national phase of reconnaissance and evaluations for crystalline rocks. The regional surveys that characterize the regions of crystalline rock recommended in this report are nearly complete and will be released in draft form for review by involved states in May 1983. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This report was 5£epa£ed by Harry W. Smedes (under subcontract No. E514-099-00 with BPMD/ONI of Battelie Memorial Institute) and BPMD/OCRD geotechnical staff (under contract No. DE-AC02-83 CH 10140 with the U.S. Department of Energy) with the technical supervision and aid of G. L. Stirewalt and M. E, Shea of BPMD/OCRD. The report draws upon data collected and compiled In 1979 by Dames and Moore under subcontract No.