“…The lower plate of the NSR MCC is composed of a thick succession of gently dipping quartzite, schist, and marble units intruded by a diverse suite of plutons, dikes, and sills of various ages (Miller et al., 1983, 1988). Although originally interpreted as pre‐Cambrian basement by Misch (1960), the footwall metasedimentary rocks have been confidently correlated to Eocambrian through upper Cambrian units of the miogeoclinal succession observed in adjacent ranges (Gans, Miller, Huggins, et al., 1999; Gans, Miller & Lee, 1999; Hose & Blake, 1976; Hose and Whitebread, 1981; Lee, Gans, et al., 1999a, 1999b; Lee, Miller, et al., 1999; Miller et al., 1983; Miller, Dumitru, et al., 1999; Miller, Gans, et al., 1999) based on the match of compositions, stratigraphic order, relative thicknesses, and distinguishing characteristics. Throughout much of the range, lower plate units dip gently eastward and broadly parallel the NSRD (Miller et al., 1983).…”