The reader may notice that there is no mention of the Taku terrane (Berg and others, 1978) in this article, except for noting where other workers have applied the term. This is because we believe that what has been called the Taku terrane by others consists of either coherent slices of other major terranes or of the intimate mixture of different terranes juxtaposed in what we call the Behm Canal structural zone. Wrangellia Terrane and the Pre-Wrangellia Part of the Alexander terrane Wrangellia and pre-Wrangellia Alexander terrane rocks are exposed in the southwesternmost part of the transect. In general, at this latitude the pre-Wrangellia part of the Alexander terrane (sensu Berg and others, 1978) consists of oceanic-island-arc Silurian or older through Pennsylvanian pelitic, semipelitic, and carbonate sedimentary rocks, some intermediate-composition metavolcanic rocks, and at least one Devonian granitoid (G.E. Gehrels, oral comm., 1990). The Wrangellia part of the Alexander terrane consists of a mixed volcanic and sedimentary section of Permian and Triassic(?) age. Lower(?) Jurassic chert and sandstone overlie Triassic(?) rocks locally in this section. These rocks are interpreted to be a facies of the type Wrangellia terrane. The Chilkat River fault (Fig. 1), which is a segment of the Denali fault system, is the contact between these Wrangellia and pre-Wrangellia Alexander terrane rocks to the southwest and the Wrangellia terrane to the northeast. Wrangellia Terrane sensu stricto Wrangellia terrane rocks are also exposed in the southwestern part of the transect near Haines (Plafker and others, 1989; Ford and Brew, 1993) (Figs. 1 and 2). Regionally, in most of southern Alaska and British Columbia, the basal part of the Wrangellia terrane consists of upper Paleozoic volcanic breccias, flows, and volcaniclastic rocks that are locally intruded by late Paleozoic granitic rocks of the Skolai arc. These are overlain by nonvolcanic Permian limestone, pelitic rocks, and chert that are in turn overlain by Ladinian black cherty argillite. These are succeeded by many thousands of meters of Upper Triassic subaerial to pillowed massive tholeiitic basalt with locally abundant gabbro dikes, sills, and small plutons that are in turn overlain by platformal and basinal Upper Triassic limestones that grade upward into basinal, spiculitic, argillaceous and calcareous rocks. Jurassic volcaniclastic rocks overlie these strata in northern south-central Alaska. Sub-greenschist-to low greenschist-metamorphic facies mineral assemblages are present. The terrane is overlain by the Gravina overlap assemblage and the postamalgamation Wrangeli Lava, and is intruded locally by extensive Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous plutonic rocks.