Vertical temperature profile (VTP) data provide a means to quantify heat and mass fluxes across the ground surface in a variety of geological and ecological environments. VTP measurements have long been used to constrain heat fluxes across the Earth's solid surface, and these studies have played an important role in our understanding of the Earth's thermal history (e.g., Bullard, 1945;Kelvin, 1863). VTP measurements can also be used to estimate fluid fluxes. Stallman (1965) and Bredehoeft and Papadopulos (1965) described how temperature-depth profiles in a steady state, porous medium can be used to constrain vertical fluid flux rates. Although this method has been applied in a variety of hydrologic environments (e.g., Cartwright, 1970;Ferguson et al., 2003;Sorey, 1971;Taniguchi, 1993), the steady state thermal assumption is not always satisfied in natural systems. Suzuki (1960) and Stallman (1965) demonstrated that fluid flux rates can be constrained using time-series VTP data if the ground surface interface experiences periodic temperature variations. These studies showed that fluid flow modifies the rate and amplitude decay of downward diffusing thermal signals such that the amplitude ratio and phase lag between vertically offset thermistor pairs can be used to constrain fluid flux rates. Because many natural systems experience periodic temperature variations, the Stallman (1965) method has been widely applied to diverse hydrologic environments, including streams, rivers, coastal oceans, and deep-sea hydrothermal fields (e.g.,