In the Earth's history, there were five major glaciations, namely, Huronian (2,300 Ma), Cryogenianor , and the Quaternary (2.58 Ma to Present) that occurred between 2,300 Ma and 0.0114 Ma. It is revealed that Gondwanaland emerged between the Huronian glaciation (2300-2100 Ma) in the Paleoproterozoic Era and the Andean-Saharan glaciation . Huge rocky blocks (erratic boulders) have been transported to different places by continental ice sheets due to climatic changes in the Permian, Triassic and Jurassic Periods, but erratic pebbles (2 to 8 cm or more in size) and streams fed deposits have been transported by glacifluvial processes. These glaciofluvial processes occurred on four occasions during the Jurassic Period and Eocene, Miocene and Pliocene Epochs on Sri Lankan landmass, which fallowed the climatic changes and sea level fluctuations that broke up the sedimentary beds, initiating establishment of the present topography and structural configuration. As a result, the earlier sedimentary deposits were obliterated from greater part of Sri Lanka. During the Quaternary Period the erosional rate increased and the resultant erratic boulders along with glaciofluvialdeposits can still be found on "Planated Surfaces"of Sri Lanka.