“…Rich and others (1975) pointed out that red staining of the granite is a good indicator of the presence of uranium. References: Bain, 1950;Darnley and others, 1965;Davidson, 1927;Davidson, 1956a;Dines, 1930Dines, , 1956Dines and Robertson, 1929;Gentile and McGinnis, 1967;Gregory, 1946;James, 1945;Lamming, 1952;Ostle, 1970;Park and MacDiarmid, 1964;Penrose, 1915;Perutz, 1939;Rich and others, 1975;Rumbold, 1954;Stein, 1952;Stephens, 1906;Taylor, 1966;Toll, 1951;Zachloul, 1960 (Gallagher, 1972). Caithness County and part of Sutherland County are underlain by metamorphic rocks of the Moine Series intruded by granitic stocks of late Caledonian age, which for the most part in Caithness is covered by gently inclined lagoonal sediments of the Old Red Sandstone--mainly arenaceous, arkosic members, silts, and shales (Ostle, 1970).…”